Store Timings and Delivery Cutoff extension for RestroPress allows you to efficiently manage your store/restaurant, such as opening time, closing time, and taking care of break times, holidays, etc... which are related to your working hours and business days. You can restrict customers from placing orders during non-working hours or off days.
This is a must-have extension for any restaurant as it allows the restaurant owner to cut off the delivery after a specified time and one can also set up different opening times based on days.
Note: This plugin requires at least RestroPress 2.5. Make sure you are using RestroPress 2.5 or higher than that to use this extension. If you need an earlier version, then please contact us.
- Easy Setup and configuration
- Enable/Disable Store timing Option
- Ability to set store timings such as delivery timings, pickup timing, and holidays.
- Also, you can use Pre-order and next-day order features.
- Today’s timing management like disables some particular time slots for today only.
- You can use your own required date format
- Set break times for your employees
- Adds the flexibility to order food online on a specific date and time in future
- Can be Setup store different times as “Start Time” and “End Time” for each day of the week
- You can give permission to your customers to place an order for their upcoming events like birthday parties, marriage parties, etc.
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Average rating: 5.00 out of 5 stars
1 review
Average rating: 5.00 out of 5 stars
1 review
- Added: \"service_date\" Email tag
- Fixed: \"Disable all\" slots option reset issue
- Fixed: Removed unrequired setting options enable always option, Open time, and close time
- Fixed: Bug with current date visibility issue while pre-order enabled
- Fixed: ASAP bug with additional text
- Added: Empty date checkout bug fixed
Version 2.0.7
- Added: Today disable slots \"auto-reset\" for next-day functionality.
- Fixed: Close message issue fixed as per specific service time
Version 2.0.6
- Added: Remove particular slots as per the required date
- Fixed: Double date select field issue fixed for the checkout page
- Fixed: Current day Holiday issue fixed.
- Fixed: Holiday issue fixed for other languages.
- Fixed: RestroPress 3.0 compatibility issue fixed.
- Fixed: Order time interval extension conflict issue for \"disable time\" setting option
- Fixed: Holiday issue fixed for other languages.
Version 2.0.5
- Fixed: ASAP feature issue fixed with pre-order
- Fixed: Order time interval conflict issue fixed for interval extension
- Fixed: Required plugin active/inactive validation
- Code optimized
Version 2.0.4
- Fixed: ASAP feature issue fixed with pre-order
- Fixed: Order time interval conflict issue fixed for interval extension
- Fixed: Required plugin active/inactive validation
- Code optimized
Version 2.0.4
- Fixed: Current time showing as per the local timezone under today\'s timing
- Fixed: Remove Disable time slots from the frontend
Version 2.0.3
- Added: Under today\'s timing, Show service options as per core service type setup
- Fixed: Double time slot issue on fronted
- Code cleanup
Version 2.0.2
- Fixed: Remove disabled time slots
- Code optimized
Version 2.0.1
- Fixed holiday validation issue for above 30 days
Version 2.0
- Selected date and time issue fixed on the checkout page
- Multiple time format was not able to show on front-end issue fixed
- The order date issue is fixed on the checkout page for preorder mode
- Warning and notice error fixed
- Removed store open/close days.
- Added delivery service tab with start/end hours and delivery cut-off hours.
- Added pickup service tab with start/end hours and pickup cut-off hours.
- Visibility of delivery service and pickup service tab controlled by selected service type.
- Store open/close hours used from default restopress setting.
- Replaced empty service time drop-down, for all service hours cut off, with a notice.
- Fixed update button visibility when all service hours are cut off.
- Fixed pre-order form
- Added Today Management and General Time Settings tab
- Preorders set individually for delivery and pickup
- Added time slot mode field
- Added disable slots feature for pickup/delivery for current-day order
- Added production delay for pickup/delivery
Version 1.9.5
- Fixed issue with delivery cutoff time.
Version 1.9.4
- Fix issue with disable store timing option.
- Fix: Specific open days show timing even if not active.
Version 1.9.3
- Fixed countable warning issue.
Version 1.9.2
- Fixed pre-order dates with disabled days
Version 1.9.1
- Fixed issue with store close time.
Version 1.9
- Updated to work with RestroPress 2.5.
- Removed close message setting in favor of the close message under store options.
- Fixed issue with date format d/m/Y.
- Fixed issue related to today\'s date not appearing.
Version 1.8
- Fixed timezone issue.
- Fixed break times issue.
Version 1.0